Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hagrid's Parents?

This is Hagrid's father.

And this is Hagrid's mother.

So riddle me this Batman, How does Mr. Hagrid Sr. get his wife pregnant???

Drawings by LGL, according to scale and the descriptions provided by JKR.

Amritorupa Kanjilal also writes at Rivers I Have Known: Books, Reviews, and More. Please visit her there! 

53 paper boats came floating back to me:

Amritorupa Kanjilal said...

And what the hell is Hagrid talking about when he asks Madame Maxime which side she got it from???
does he mean male giants can impregnate female humans?

Amritorupa Kanjilal said...

people i'm sorry for not being more regular. this will probably go on for the next month. i'm shifting to a different town and a different job (that i have yet to find). but Rivers will be back on track by september. that's a promise...

Amal Bose said...

haha.. never thought abt it before
nice.. hmm.. weird thoughts.. :P

Amit said...

lol, it seems that HP mania is taking the blogosphere completely, check out my latest post if u have time.

best of luck fr finding new job. shift well to a new city. and be back soon. i miss you :)


coffeeismypoison said...

I've often wondered about this too. I mean seriously. What was JKR thinking...maybe she'll answer herself...?
I think what hagrid meant by asking which side was indeed what u said...male giants and female human? Although i know it sounds impossible...but ... er... the vice versa is true [i know i know] and besides a drop of human semen contains about a million sperm and a drop is enough and we're talking about giants here aren't we.

I really want to watch Hp-6. Sit in the theatre with a freak friend and bitch about how the book was better :o) cos they always are!!

Amit Kumar Das said...

well, i am having very weird thoughts about the possible reasons behind your questions....:)..........keep walking!!!

Onward said...

Drunk by any chance r u?? :P..or is it just the effect of watching HP6 ? :p

coffeeismypoison said...

the drawings are adorable and childlike. and they make your point excellently.

Shravan Raghunath said...

hey welcome backk.. just lols at the post.. he he.. new launch :

Ire said...


Hope you get what you want soon! Where you headed to though?

Lakshmi said...

Wow.. I loved this post... got me thinking btb...Jus blog hopped here... liked ur blog a lot :)

Anonymous said...

Hahaha!!! Waiting for you to blog as usual, as always :)

modernexile said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
modernexile said...

I had the same queston wringing my head but then again...
Good to have you back :)

Kriti said...

I alwayswondered about this too!!!

HOW in the world did they magane that?!?!?
And well, no wonder Fridulfa left her husband...!!

Did they knew about IVF by any chance? *scratches head*

And Well.. WHERE are you going?!?! Moving to Kolkata by any chance?

Quaint Murmur said...

Hahahahahhahahahah that is the most hilarious riddle i have ever encountered, LGL. You are really something else. To think I've read all the books at least thrice and have never asked myself that.

*doubles over laughing once more*

pradipwritenow said...

Came back after along time. Good luck for you for a getting a job quickly and so that we hear from you quickly.

Parv Kaushik said...

after long time... good to hear frm you!! drawings were hilarious! liked it!

Scattered Thoughts... said...

Ah, never got interested in the HP thing.. and you wont believe but I had to google to find what exactly this post is about :)) as they say ignorance is bliss.. :P

Akash said...

holy...:D :D gawd...this is actually ........!!!!!!

Arv said...

ha haa... thats a good one...

welcome back mate... :)


P said...


OMG. I had never ever thought of it like THAT...


Sakshi said... least u r back!! what if it's with Hagrid...lolz. Well I think JKR ji has to answer a lot of questions now that you have put it up as a post...will she too send the answer on ur face book like that Gulal guy??

The Sunflower Collective said...

your just getting better with your imaginations.I dont mind waiting for such posts...even if they come a month later

Sinner said...

hehehe... funny one...

BTW, missed you... Hope you find a new place n job soon n get regular on the blog.

All the best.

Anil Sawan said...

ah!! all new characters for me :( and for ur qns, aint hagrid's dad holdin a magic stick in the frst pic? :P

Aniket Thakkar said...

The magical world is full of such mysteries! May be he was a test-tube baby. :D :D

I loved the final book written by a fan where Harry marries Ron. Draco Malfoy turns good, kills Voldemort and marries Hermione. Sweett! :D

Roshni said...

Ok, barring the skimpy clothes, doesn't Hagrid's mom look a lot like Mamata Bannerjee?!!!

And regarding the union?! You just asked a very 'penetrating' question!!

Sucharita Sarkar said...

Ladders are useful things. They have helped many a Romeo to reach Juliets in their balconies, so, maybe, with a little imagination...

Karen said...

I have to smile at both the questions and the pics. Riddle me this? Funny!

Pesto Sauce said...

Will require a special Olympics here....the winner will get something more desired than gold


ha ha h a..

Mahesh Sindbandge said...

Well i think i need to learn hagrid's story in HP series..

This puzzle seems to be more confusing that lord voldemort's parents story.

I think it would have worked out in the same way :-)

LOLZ...i dont have words..

BrownPhantom said...

JKR deserve to have the creative license :).
ANd where ae you nowadayz; waiting for your next posts :).

chaat paapdi said...

Who on earth is Hagrid? Rowling?.... Good luck with the job, I'm sure you'll land a great one. And since you're a journo, or seem to be one, please comment on my latest post- I'd like to know what you think. AND LGL add me to your blog please pretty please.

Manish Raj said...

Is it a bad idea to ask Hagrid's mother only ?

workhard said...

Ok.. girl.. that did not make any sense..


i loved the artwork...

its kinda cute...

artist in u i see...

workhard said...

Hey Good luck in finding a new job.....

Zeba said...

An amazing obervation. I made the same observation as well and found it very amusing, but kept it to myself though!!!


joaquin carvel said...

"How does Mr. Hagrid Sr. get his wife pregnant???"

red wine, jazz on the radio, and a spontaneous weekend getaway to a cozy lakeside inn. and maybe a snorkel.

that'd be my guess.

Lena said...

I wonder from where do people get such ideas? :D

Dhruva said...

Now this is something I've always wondered about half-giants (and other such largely disparate blended races in fantasy fiction).

These physics can still be worked out (Check you spam, they know how.); just imagine if the races of Hagrid's parents were reversed.

But then again, it's fiction. That too, fantasy fiction.

abhi said...

really wired !!!!!!!!!!!

A.prem said...

*wicked grin*


my 1st time here and do i like it! :)

Tripthi Battapadi said...

good one :P

kaushiki said...

hii dere...u have a very nice blog...very cute drawing

Stupidosaur said...

Oh its quite possible.

The Hagrid's father pic looks quite like this guy

To you, that bhati is 'larger' than life. So Hagrid's mom should have been absolutely no problem ;)

Also Hagrid's mom in the last pic seems to be wearing a see-through. I guess that must've helped ;)

Besides, even boring old science has got things like artificial insemination. Here we are talking about exciting magicians and magic instead. They probably have spells for growing the whole body or 'parts of it' as big or small as needed, and also for creating babies without sperms and eggs.

That also answers your question in the very first comment above.

Come back here soon. (Though I may or may not) (Like it matters :P)

Best of luck for job.

SSQuo said...

The tree in the picture must mean something! hmmm

AMIT said...

All drawings pictures are great.

How to make a website

Jibi said...

To be real, almost everybody who read that passage would've wondered I know I did.

Till I got the answer.

Wizadry is quite handy you see, just a drink of Polyjuice should suffice I thought but the not being able to change to another breed was a pain.

Then viola maybe he was an Animagus who just turned into a Giant(also answers the attraction to the giants you see).

Magic is a wonderful thing.

Unknown said...

Love these drawings. Is it possible to use them in a video I'm making about the most messed up things in Harry Potter? See here for my usual output

Amritorupa Kanjilal said...

hello khyan... you have a hilarious collection of stuff... loved them!. am looking forward to your video on the fuck ups in HP. feel free to use my artwork, but be sure to give acknowledgement. :)
and if you want any more inputs/discussions on harry potter screw ups, pls get in touch. I am doing a thesis on this topic.

Unknown said...

Hey, I used those drawings finally for my video. It worked beautifully, I hope you enjoy the result. I credited you, too.