Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Moth In Love

A moth falls in love
With a playful tongue of fire.
What is love but death?

Amritorupa Kanjilal also writes at Rivers I Have Known: Books, Reviews, and More. Please visit her there! 

54 paper boats came floating back to me:

Minko said...

what is love but death? yes.

Would you be friends with me, dear moth?please?

sujata sengupta said...

have been seeing you on lots of commenting places, guess we visit the same blogs quite often. Came to your blog today. LOvely poetry!! Amazing work. Keep it up!!

Preetilata【ツ】 said...

it is one "wowwwwww" haiku :)

.... said...

This is my absolute favorite...!!! Just love you for this LGL...

Sakshi said...

what is love but death....ha guess that is why am a haunting ghost..

love you gal for such beautiful words and that photograph

Vesper said...

Lovely haiku and so true...
The photo is excellent! :-)

Pesto Sauce said...

Moth loves fire knwing or unknowing it will bring true for all of us

Infact we all are attracted to 'bad' easily.....strange isn't it?

Sucharita Sarkar said...

To quote that eternal romantic, Shelley:

"The desire of the moth for the star
Of the night for the morrow,
The devotion to something afar
From the sphere of our sorrow."

.... said...

I changed my blog layout.. YET AGAIN... come look...

Amal Bose said...

sometimes love is so intense and compelling that you wont care about yourself when falling for the other one..
great work
tc :-)

joaquin carvel said...

what is love but death?
what is death but a flutter
of wings to heaven?

Me said...

What is love but death? - Well said!!

Wonder, how you manage to say it all in few words... :)

Kriti said...

Love = death!

You couldn't have put it any better, LGL!


What About The Girl? said...

Moths are not supposed to know, one does not even know one is a moth until one's wings are burned.

That is one of my favorite lines from a short story I read when I was still in school.
Beautiful, isn't it?

What is love but death?
Well let's take risks, shall we? But we ought to be careful...

Enjoy your weekend.

Supaar said...

This was amazing!

Amit said...

Love is death...ahmm..i agree ! spl if a man has to love moths rather than females :P


Shravan Raghunath said...

amazing? awesome?great? what? go fill it yourself :D i just loved the last line :D
what is love but death?

Pallav said...

very well written..
beautiful.. specially the lines.. the words..


Anonymous said...

Wow. What is love but death. :O

pradipwritenow said...

Death is the journey to new begining and Love is a new begining. To me Love is a fever. A fever that caught you without any reason and it failed all your precautions. Your brain fails to control the temparture it rises high and low. And I do not see a doctor I only wish it to continue. But It fades away leaving a memory written in your tears.
Thank you for visiting my blog and thank you for your inspiring comments.

Aniket Thakkar said...

Bee vs Moth. Damn! :D :D

That's a killer for the last line.
Awesome piece.

Arv said...

I hope that the moth hears ya :)

take care mate... cheers....

Akash said...

*speechless* nobody could have put the truth any better way...a wonderful haiku

Unknown said...

hey...i think after reading so many haikus..i have got to know abt them...and can appreciate them...this was one of the good ones!!

Sharmistha Guha said...

Just WOW!

coffeeismypoison said...

This is simply nice :) life=love=death...
death of so many nasty things in us...and often the birth of so many great things...
Love ur Haikus...!!

Arnab Majumdar said...

That was beautiful. Good luck to your friend, the Moth, for the plunge. Cheers...

Deepa Gopal said...

Beautiful haiku:)

And a beautiful pic...totally awesome!!!

modernexile said...

Like I said..
I have nothing to say.
My silence will spaek for itself.

DPhatsez said...

ha! now these kind of poems i like. Short and sweet!

Keep it up! \m/

Anya said...

i wanna lick fire now...

good one liitle lost girl...

the river is indeed flowing


Anil Sawan said...

haiku again!!! :) deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep and luvly!!!
*hugz* for the words in blue...

The Unsure Ascetic said...

The fire died in the moths fluttery,flattery love. Sorry LGL i am always optimistic.

SUBHADIP said...

Excellent themeta..really there is a very narrow line betwwen love and death..ha anekdin par likhlam..busy chilam aktu..thanks..would try to be more lyrical again..rag komeche?

Bindhu Unny said...

Lovely poems. Will come back for more.
I'm trying my hands on Haiku.

Smita said...

It was love so am sure nothing else mattered :)

Margaret said...

A brilliant haiku and a brilliant photo to go with it! :)

Amit Kumar Das said...

I have never written a haiku...i just can't...but u are amazing...everytime i read one, just can't help being amazed again...keep walking!!!

Anonymous said...

how can u awaken a hundred emotions with a few syllables?!

as usual LGL, loved it to the brim :)

BrownPhantom said...

Pretty neat Haiku. And many wud identify with the moth :).

tea and cake said...

Hello, another weird person being collected! I love your blog, too. Thank you for visiting mine, and I shall be back very soon.
Your haiku is very, very good.

Karen said...

Have you read Virginia Woolf's "Death of the Moth"? It's a great essay that ponders existence - and your poem is very reminiscent of that essay. Here's a quote from the essay, which is about a moth drawn to a flame: "I could fancy that a thread of vital light became visible. He was little or nothing but life."

Very nice, LGL!

Parv Kaushik said...

nice haiku poem!!! its deep and meaningful.. really lykd it!

Catherine Vibert said...

Nice one. What is love but death, nice little sting there.

Quaint Murmur said...

MY favourite one so far, definitely.
An amazing picture too :)
What an absolutely lovely thought!

Himanshu Bhagat said...

Love is death, but also eternity of bliss!!!


Raj said... isn't death. its life

Lena said...

great haiku, beautiful and thoughtful... and even if i dont agree with love being death cant deny that the thought is deep :)

The Colors Magazine

The Sunflower Collective said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Sunflower Collective said...

Sure you know that I would like this ...don't you?
Is it a coincidence that Moth in Hindi is death?

Tanaya said...

Loved it dear.......What is love but death..very true.......

muthu said...


that one was on the mark

crisp, pointed, moving.

I loved it. you mince no words. do you??

and hey i went through your blog. some nice posts yaar(read the first few)

am glad to have discovered your blog. nice bold posts.


& cheers.


EM said...

lovely! :) crisp and beautiful; thank you for sharing

M. said...

I'd written one recently, but your's is SO much in-the-face.


thunder and some rain
a bonfire crackles and dies,
a moth flies away.