Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What The Hell Do YOU Know About Heartbreak, Little Girl?

She used to say
It’s so girly to cry.
So I’m trying not to.
Not to.

She felt like home.
She felt like the mountains and the forests and the rivers back from where I come.

And you tell me, Little Girl, to make a nick in myself and let all my sorrow leak out.
What I’m trying to tell you, Little Girl, please listen, I’m not lost.
I’m not lost.
I’ve only lost my map.

For my friend the Grasshopper who cried all summer.
Photograph by Bokom.

Amritorupa Kanjilal also writes at Rivers I Have Known: Books, Reviews, and More. Please visit her there! 

35 paper boats came floating back to me:

The Sunflower Collective said...

When I was young
I had a piece of string.
Tied a grasshopper's tale to it
On that afternoon of a spring

The string is torn
The grasshopper has flown
Away from the afternoons of my kinder days.

No one plays with Grasshoppers anymore

modernexile said...

yes, we all want to make a nick and let the sorrows leak...

good to have you back:)

Naina said...

so deep so intense..


p.s. following you from now.

Amit Kumar Das said...

If the mountains hadn't cried,
the rivers would have dried,
the paper boats would have never sailed across,
The sky would have lied
The sky would have lied

Catherine Vibert said...

Amrita, you are a wonderful friend to the subject here of your poem, to write so deeply about her sorrow. So good to see you back.

Naina said...

i am totally short of time..and might not ble able to read your previous posts..but with this poem i am in love with your space..and i am already following your blog.. will definitely be here for more..

and i'd hope to see you around my space too.. it'd be great to have someone around me who is blessed with such a beautifully poetic soul


Zeba said...

I am not a poem person and I usually skip the poems that you write but this one I read, and I love it! Back after long I see.

Kriti said...

Glad to have you back! I had stopped blogging too. Your words certainly stirred something deep within. Perhaps, just perhaps, I might write again. :)

The Unsure Ascetic said...

Hey LGL,
Long time no see. How are you doing?
The write up was awesome to say the least. Putting yourself in somebody else's shoes and writing is something I am keenly after. May be I should take a tip or two from you.

Margaret said...

Written from deep in your heart LGL. I loved the poem and the pic awoke longing in me to get to the mountains again!

Really good to see you back.

Parv Kaushik said...

back from a long time... loved the metaphor.. the maze the little girl seems to be lost in... resonates soo much with soo many ppl i knw!

keep blogging!

Shubhajit said...

The last line was the clincher. It could very well have been what Don McLean meant by 'A Generation Lost in Space' in his wonderful song American Pie.

There's just a fine line between not knowing where one is heading to, and not knowing how to reach the place where one is (seemingly) heading to.

Tongue-fu Lady said...

wow awesome!! i specially loed this line
"She felt like the mountains and the forests and the rivers back from where I come"

very intense with a tinge of humor..keep goin!

Shravan Raghunath said...

good to see you back after a very long break :) and thick lines there :)

buno mainak said...

ohhhhhh,'i have only lost my map.'
just pierced my heart,dear.
a silent spark from the apparent tranquil sky,and makes it an unforgiven one.

'shudhu tumi singher somudro hou kimba udbastur jonmobhumi/
theko kachhe/
sobhyota amaro modhye achhe.'

Anonymous said...

Welcome back LGL!!

Maybe your friend's tears will be spent by autumn.

Karen said...

First of all, welcome back! I've been a little worried about you.

Next, this poem makes me remember why I've missed you!

Little Girl, I hope she finds the way.

(I'm writing a poem about maps myself right now - just started it last night; coming soon, I think.)

Scattered Thoughts... said...

Hmm.. some one is sad.. hope its not you.. howz it going on? howz new place treating you?

Onward said...

hey amrita,

now u know why u should be blogging more often :D..coz dil se likhti ho :)


Shubhajit said...

Hey LGL, have you become like one of those pseudo-celebrity blogger who never respond to their comments, or have you become just like them? Don't mind, was just joking ;) Keeping very busy?

MothSmokeLover said...

Simply loved it. You have a new follower :)

joaquin carvel said...

it's the maps that tell us we're lost, isn't it?

i love the hand you're holding out here, the rememberance.

please don't stay away so long this time.

Smita said...

Good to see u back!!!

And thats a sad poem :-(

All ok?

Ire said...

Good to see you back! I loved this poem!

Manish Raj said...

Good one..again.

Preetilata【ツ】 said...


Anil Sawan said...

sad sad :(

Aniket Thakkar said...

Ohisashiburi dana LGL Chan!

How have you been? Things have been a bit dull with lack of fair competition. :)

But since you skipped out on CON contest, I figured something serious is keeping you out. Hope you've reached a resolution.

Never in a million years would have thought I'll say this : Good to see you back! :P

Tulika Verma said...

wat a lovely blog! Refreshingly different...i will keep coming back..

Sucharita Sarkar said...

did you tell the grasshopper that this, too, shall pass. summer will go, taking the heartbreak with it, and the monsoon will bring its own map.

Tomz said...

memorable, nostalgic and romantic..

AMIT said...

Hi Sorry for late reply.I was a bit irregular on my this blog because i m much active on my site so pls tell me about this site do u like or not and any suggestions from your side.I havent seen Kaminey yet but Love Aaj Kal movie concept was confusion but it was a good movie to understand.From where i shall become follower?

Mahesh Sindbandge said...

Hmmmmm thats very nostalgic poem...

Its also very intense in its meaning :)


Kira Aderne said...

Hello girl!

This place is so beautiful!
I do love your country! I dream to trip there in the future...

My best wishes from Brazil,


SatyU said...

Every word is so intense.
Liked it :)

Keep smiling :)